Bridge Player Comments

Here are some comments from bridge players when answering a generic ACBL survey on tournaments:

  • I thought the addition of the KO projection screen system on the wall was an excellent idea! It certainly made finding your assignment whole lot easier.
  • The projection system for KOs was WONDERFUL! I heard it remarked upon many times, everybody loved it. It was a real disappointment when it wasn't used.
  • The use of KO assignment projection was first rate when it was used.
  • the projection system for KO pairing is excellent
  • The projector pairings/seatings are a great help in reducing the waiting times.
  • Projection for team game assignments should have a slightly larger font so older eyes could see them better. The concept is excellent.
  • Why stop using projection system for KO assignments. It eliminates the mob getting the assignments .
  • Best tournament ever. Loved the projection for assignments.
  • Use of projector every day…
  • Please use the projection system all the time for the KO's. I'm slightly claustrophobic, and joining the crowd around the Director's Desk wasn't my preference. (People are also rude as you're waiting slightly - maybe 6" of space back - in terms of excusing themselves to stand right in front of you! So, it's worth always having a volunteer hook up the projection system.
  • Projection of KO tables was excellent. Recommend another for the other room also.
  • use projection system for all KO events
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