This is the web site for Bridgescore+.
Bridgescore+ at large events:
Date | Information |
February 25 - March 3, 2019 | Chattanooga Regional - February 2019. Bridgescore+ ran all the team games (except for BAM and a very small Swiss). Players entered scores. All matching and table assignments were done by BS+. Players loved the scores being displayed. Fewer TDs needed to run events. Events finished faster than when run by ACBLscore. |
Mon, July 30, 2018 | Atlanta NABC - July 2018. Bridgescore+ ran the first two sessions of the Truscott Open Swiss. 108 teams. Players entered scores. All matching and table assignments were done by BS+. Each session finished 15-25 minutes quicker than equivalent sized events run by ACBLscore. Each session could have been run with three fewer TDs because no TDs are needed at round change - players enter scores, BS+ automatically does the matching, BS+ automatically does the table assignment. |
Sun, April 22, 2018 | Gatlinburg Regional - April 2018. Bridgescore+ was involved with over half of all the tables at Gatlinburg. Ran morning Swiss sessions 25 minutes faster than equivalent, smaller sized, evening Swiss run by ACBLscore. Started all KOs. Player input of scores for Swiss events. |
Mon March 19, 2018 | Callaway Gardens/Pine Mountain Regional - March 2018. Started 3 KOs, 1 CKO. Ran 1 KO, 1 Swiss. Players entered scores for the Swiss - it ran itself. Bridgescore+ generated ACBLscore game files for the Swiss and KO Some bugs in the ACBL Swiss Team handicapping algorithm were found. |
Sun September 4, 2017 | Atlanta Regional - through Monday September 4, 2017. Started all KO, ran some Swiss using Bridgescore+ and projectors. Up to 3 projectors in use. On the final day, ran all 3 Swiss (A/X, BC, DEF). Swiss events had matches assigned for the next round before the final results were in. Bridgescore+ generated ACBLscore game files for some KO, Swiss that was then sent to ACBL Live - no need to use ACBLscore! Some bugs in the ACBL Swiss Team masterpointing algorithm were found. |
Sun June 25, 2017 | Athens - Sunday June 25, 2017. Ran all events on the Sunday using Bridgescore+ and projectors. Swiss events had matches assigned for the next round as soon as enough results were in. Bridgescore+ generated an ACBLscore game file that was then sent to ACBL Live - no need to use ACBLscore! |
Sun April 23, 2017 | Gatlinburg Regional - April 17-23, 2017. KO starts. |
Mon February 20-26, 2017 | Asheville Regional Fear - February 20-26, 2017. D7 uses own equipment, own staff, no support calls, no issues. | Mon January 23-29, 2017 | Cape Fear - January 23-29, 2017. D7 uses own equipment, own staff, no support calls, no issues. KOs started on average under 1 minute after game time. |
Mon January 1-5, 2017 | Pigeon Forge - January 1-5, 2017. A sectional. Everything worked great. |
Tue December 27-31, 2016 | Charlotte - December 27, 2016. |
Mon July 11, 2016 | Chattanooga Regional - July 11-17, 2016. KO starts. Swiss with Bridgemates. |
Mon April 18, 2016 | Gatlinburg Regional - April 11-17, 2016. KO starts. Swiss with Bridgemates. |
Tue September 3, 2015 | Atlanta Regional - September 15, 2015 |
Sat August 15, 2015 | August 15, 2015 status report |
July 23, 2015 | July 23, 2015 status report from ACBL meeting |
Sun April 5, 2015 | Bridgescore+ interface to/for remote scores/names updates from Electronic Scoring Devices (e.g. Bridgemates) re-written to allow for multi-score, multi-name input. Much faster. |
Fri April 3, 2015 | ACBLscore+ accepting data from Bridgemate BWS files locally and sending the names and scores to a remote ACBLscore+ server. |
Sun Mar 31, 2015 | ACBLscore+ running on Windows 8.1. Requires two third-party packages (PostgreSQL, Railsinstaller) and one zip file (ACBLscore+). This was a request from an ACBL member. Couple of hours of work. |
August 24-31, 2014 | Atlanta Regional - August 24-31, 2014 |
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