BZ Investigation

This page is for the investigation into an allegation that Balicki/Zdumzinski (BZ) use mannerisms to indicate major cards in suits and also length.

Last Update

Last updated at Tue Mar 14 05:05:28 EDT 2017

Archived Copies

Archived copies of this file are here. This shows the progress at different states of the investigation.

Original Allegation

The original anonymous allegation is The video is 22 minutes, 41 seconds long. It includes matches from EBTC 2014 including matches against Denmark, Netherlands, Romania, Latvia, Israel, Monaco, Germany, Norway, Turkey and some video from PPL. The claim is that BZ uses hand and finger mannerisms to indicate the honor cards and length in a suit, and also have signals to show different suits.

Quick jumps: List of boards with video/BBO
Balicki gestures (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades)
Zmudzinski gestures (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades)
Combined gestures (Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten, Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades)
Gestures by match (Denmark, Israel, Netherlands)

BZ played 14 matches in EBTC 2014 on video against Denmark, Netherlands, Israel, Turkey, Romania, Italy, Bulgaria, Latvia, France, Germany, Norway, Russia, Monaco, Estonia. Countries listed by order of appearance on BBO numbers. This is over 28 hours of video.


The alleged mannerisms are shown by examples:
  • Ace: Rubbing chin or underneath chin with hand.
  • King: Rubbing nose or forehead with hand.
  • Queen: Scratch chest around nipple area with hand. Either hand, either side of chest.
  • Jack: Scratch crotch.
  • Ten: Scratch side of face.
  • Nine: Finger to the neck? (Probably not enough video to confirm so am not tracking)
  • Clubs: tap of right hand. Can be single or double tap. Fingers are on table. Hand is normally on table with knuckles under hand.
  • Diamonds: tap of left hand. Can be single or double tap. Fingers are on table. For B, if his hand is close to the table edge, and he is holding his cards, this is diamonds, even if fist is rotated slightly. Hand is normally on table with knuckles under hand.
  • Hearts: tap of right fist. Fist rotated 90 degrees from the club signal. Hand is normally extended away from edge of table, knuckles pointed towards partner. Rotating the fist from flat to 90 degrees is also the signal. Sometimes making a cup shape with the fist.
  • Spades: tap of left fist. Fist rotated 90 degrees from the diamond signal. Hand is normally extended away from edge of table, knuckles pointed towards partner. If B is holding his cards in his left hand, then a tap close to the table edge is diamonds, extending the fist away from the table edge is spades. Sometimes making a cup shape with the fist.

B/Z sometimes have slightly different mechanisms to show the signal. Video starts 2-3 seconds before the signal. There are almost no documented Z signals because of the camera angles.

Signal Description Balicki Zmudzinski
Ace Scratch of chin/
wipe of lower face
Denmark Board 24 (1:31:02)
Netherlands Board 8 (1:15:10)
Denmark Board 23 (1:18:25)
Israel Board 28 (1:48:57)
King Rubbing nose/top of head/
forehead with hand
Denmark Board 24 (1:30:46)
Denmark Board 25 (1:40:56)
Denmark Board 27 (1:49:19)
Denmark Board 27 (1:49:57)
Queen Scratch of chest
around nipple area
Israel Board 28 (1:47:29)
Netherlands Board 15 (2:07:51)
Netherlands Board 14 (2:00:09)
Jack Scratch of crotch
Denmark Board 25 (1:37:55)
Israel Board 21 (46:40)
Denmark Board 20 (54:08)
Denmark Board 31 (2:19:00)
Ten Scratch of cheek
Israel Board 21 (46:20)
Israel Board 28 (1:54:04)

Clubs Tap of right hand
Denmark Board 21 (1:08:05)
Israel Board 19 (28:57)
Diamonds Tap of left hand
Denmark Board 20 (54:00)
Netherlands Board 8 (1:15:13)
Hearts Tap of right fist
Israel Board 21 (46:09)
Netherlands Board 7 (1:08:46)
Spades Tap of left fist
Denmark Board 31 (2:19:00) (Z replies)
Netherlands Board 1 (9:30)


The plan is

  1. Crowd-source the mannerisms for Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten for their first 3 matches from EBTC 2014 by asking volunteers to time stamp all mannerisms.
  2. Catalog the mannerisms and see if BZ have the cards left in their hands
  3. If they do, re-examine the videos looking for mannerisms related to suits and/or length.
  4. Test any hypotheses against the 4th match. Repeat with other matches as needed.
  5. Ask Kit Woolsey to verify the hypothesis with unwatched videos from EBTC 2014

Some received tips are:

  • When BZ declare, see if they 'peek' and then signal. (Note: It was non uncommon in EBTC 2014 for players to show their cards to dummy; similarly it was not uncommon for dummy to lean over and 'ask' to look. Sort of a professional courtesy. You see lots of other players doing this in EBTC 2014. I don't consider with B or Z looking, or asking to look, or peaking to be indicative of cheating - lots of other players were doing this at the time. Just my personal opinion).

Transcription Errors

There is a possibility that I have some transcription errors in the tables below. All the data below is generated from an Excel spreadsheet, if I entered an incorrect value for a cell it will show up as an error below. If you see any, let me know and I will investigate.

All Boards

The 48 boards from the first three matches are:

# Opponent Board # BBO Youtube Declarer
1 Denmark 17 34174 27m5s Z
2 Denmark 18 34174 40m13s Z
3 Denmark 19 34174 44m5s Z
4 Denmark 20 34174 51m51s  
5 Denmark 21 34174 67m43s  
6 Denmark 22 34174 71m2s Z
7 Denmark 23 34174 77m58s  
8 Denmark 24 34174 90m30s  
9 Denmark 25 34174 97m49s  
10 Denmark 26 34174 104m43s Z
11 Denmark 27 34174 109m6s  
12 Denmark 28 34174 114m46s B
13 Denmark 29 34174 126m30s  
14 Denmark 30 34174 132m54s B
15 Denmark 31 34174 138m56s  
16 Denmark 32 34174 126m31s Z
17 Netherlands 1 34183 8m57s  
18 Netherlands 2 34183 16m23s B
19 Netherlands 3 34183 22m28s B
20 Netherlands 4 34183 36m17s B
21 Netherlands 5 34183 41m32s B
22 Netherlands 6 34183 54m46s Z
23 Netherlands 7 34183 66m41s Z
24 Netherlands 8 34183 73m14s  
25 Netherlands 9 34183 79m23s  
26 Netherlands 10 34183 87m13s Z
27 Netherlands 11 34183 100m1s Z
28 Netherlands 12 34183 108m22s  
29 Netherlands 13 34183 115m13s Z
30 Netherlands 14 34183 119m50s  
31 Netherlands 15 34183 126m5s  
32 Netherlands 16 34183 132m21s  
33 Israel 17 34185 10m0s  
34 Israel 18 34185 15m45s B
35 Israel 19 34185 26m18s  
36 Israel 20 34185 36m22s B
37 Israel 21 34185 42m0s  
38 Israel 22 34185 51m14s Z
39 Israel 23 34185 60m14s  
40 Israel 24 34185 82m0s  
41 Israel 25 34185 88m5s  
42 Israel 26 34185 93m26s  
43 Israel 27 34185 98m40s  
44 Israel 28 34185 107m0s  
45 Israel 29 34185 119m2s  
46 Israel 30 34185 125m0s Z
47 Israel 31 34185 129m0s  
48 Israel 32 34185 132m30s  


Country Board Trick Link Who Gesture Notes
Denmark 17 1 27:29 B T Quick scratch. Real signal? RHO led K from K10. Has 10.
Denmark 18 5 47:36 B T T signal by Bl. Z not looking. Z is declarer.
Denmark 20 2 52:33 B Q Q signal. B has QD. Possible that B tapped table with left hand before Q signal. View obscured by B's forearm.
Denmark 20 4 54:00 B D B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 20 4 54:04 B Q B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 20 4 54:04 B T B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 20 4 54:08 Z J Z shows J. Has J92 of diamonds. Three seconds earlier B has shown DQT; Z appears to be responding with holding in diamonds.
Denmark 21 0 1:08:05 B C B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 21 0 1:08:05 Z A B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 23 1 1:18:13 B C B signals clubs. Then makes very quick gesture with hand and thumb. Unknown meaning.
Denmark 23 1 1:18:25 B S B shows spades.
Denmark 23 1 1:18:25 Z A Z shows A. Has A87 of spades.Responding to B ask in spades.
Denmark 23 2 1:19:09 B K Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 23 2 1:20:40 B S Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 23 2 1:20:42 B J Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 23 2 1:20:43 B T Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 23 2 1:21:32 B K Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 24 1 1:30:50 B H B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 24 1 1:30:50 B K B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 24 1 1:31:00 B Q B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Denmark 24 1 1:31:01 B A B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Denmark 24 2 1:31:15 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 1:31:16 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 1:31:24 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 1:32:18 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 25 1 1:37:51 Z K Z leads AD. Z shows K. Z has AK1086.
Denmark 25 0 1:37:55 B J B shows J. B has SJ3 HJ109542. Suit signal? Numbers of cards in suit?
Denmark 25 1 1:38:13 Z A Z shows A. Z has HA863. Suit signal? Length?
Denmark 25 1 1:38:27 B K B shows K. Quick scratch. Has no K. False positive.
Denmark 27 1 1:49:18 B D Is this a D signal? B raises LH with fist close to table edge.
Denmark 27 1 1:49:19 Z K Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 1:49:19 Z J Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 1:49:32 B H H signal
Denmark 27 1 1:49:54 B D Tap of B LH fist close to table edge.
Denmark 27 1 1:49:57 Z K Z shows K. Z has KD.
Denmark 27 1 1:50:33 B T B shows T.
Denmark 27 1 1:50:48 B T B shows T.
Denmark 28 2 0:0 Z A Z is dummy.
Denmark 29 1 2:06:38 B A B leads KH. Has AD in hand. View obscured by forearm for any suit signals.
Denmark 29 1 2:06:56 B H H signal
Denmark 29 2 2:07:53 B A B still has AD in hand.
Denmark 29 4 2:08:43 B A B still has AD in hand.
Denmark 30 0 2:13:04 B C B signals clubs
Denmark 30 0 2:13:08 B H H signal
Denmark 30 0 2:13:10 Z K Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 30 0 2:13:10 Z J Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 30 1 2:13:26 B H H signal
Denmark 30 1 2:13:30 Z J Unclear.
Denmark 31 1 2:19:00 B S B asks spades. B LH forward and taps.
Denmark 31 1 2:19:00 Z J Z shows J. Z led from 2S from J432.
Denmark 31 1 2:19:07 B C B signals clubs. Z shows nothing, barely moving his right hand possibly indicating no clubs.Z has C83.
Denmark 31 1 2:19:13 B D B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Denmark 31 1 2:19:13 Z K B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Netherlands 1 1 09:30 B S B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 1 1 09:30 B A B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 1 1 09:32 B J B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 1 1 09:37 B C Trick 1. B led H. B signals clubs. Shows JT, 4 fingers. B has J1052 clubs.
Netherlands 1 1 09:39 B J B taps table twice with left hand (clubs).4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
Netherlands 1 1 09:40 B T B taps table twice with left hand.4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
Netherlands 1 1 09:52 B H H signal. Video jumpy. Can't tell anything.
Netherlands 6 1 56:44 B K May not be signal.
Netherlands 6 1 1:00:42 B D B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 6 1 1:00:42 B J B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:44 B Q B shows Q. Touches H suit in dummy. Points to RHO. His RHO has Q10H.
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:46 B H H signal
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:50 B Q Q signal
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:52 B C B signals clubs
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:54 B A B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 1:08:55 B Q B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:00 B A Repeat of above.
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:02 B Q Repeat of above. Lots of finger signals.
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:04 B D B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:09 B A B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:09 B Q B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 2 1:09:21 B D B signals diamonds
Netherlands 7 3 1:09:35 B C B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 7 3 1:09:35 B A B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 7 3 1:09:35 B Q B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 8 1 1:13:42 B A 5 fingers. A. 5 fingers. B led 3S from A9532 against 3NT.
Netherlands 8 4 1:15:10 B A B has AD.
Netherlands 8 4 1:15:13 B D D signal
Netherlands 9 0 1:19:52 B S B asks in spades. Z show K. B then shows QJ.
Netherlands 9 0 1:19:54 Z K B asks S? Z has K4 of spades.
Netherlands 9 1 1:19:54 B Q B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 1:19:54 B J B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 1:19:55 B Q B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 1:19:55 B J B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 1:20:03 B H H signal
Netherlands 9 1 1:21:52 B Q Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 1:21:52 B J Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 10 2 1:28:23 B J B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 1:28:23 B J B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 1:28:42 B A B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 10 2 1:28:42 B J B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 12 1 1:48:48 Z A Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
Netherlands 12 1 1:48:48 Z T Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
Netherlands 12 0 1:48:50 B Q B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 12 0 1:48:50 B J B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 13 2 1:56:51 B K B appears to show K. No chance to see RHO cards.
Netherlands 14 5 2:00:09 B S B asks in spades. LH forward, taps. Z replies almost immediately
Netherlands 14 5 2:00:09 Z A Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
Netherlands 14 5 2:00:09 Z Q Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
Netherlands 14 5 2:02:17 Z K Z shows K. Has KC.
Netherlands 14 5 2:02:40 B S B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 14 5 2:02:40 B J B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 15 1 2:06:16 B C B signals clubs
Netherlands 15 1 2:06:40 B H H signal
Netherlands 15 1 2:06:44 Z A Z shows A. Has AJ52H.
Netherlands 15 1 2:07:49 B H H signal
Netherlands 15 1 2:07:51 B Q B shows Q. B has Q73H
Netherlands 16 2 2:14:13 B H Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 16 2 2:14:13 B S Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 16 2 2:14:13 B Q B possible scratching chest. B has QS and QH.
Israel 17 0 10:14 B A B rearranges dummy then shows A. B has Axx of diamonds. Not clear what diamond signal is. Could it be last suit touched?
Israel 19 0 27:25 B S B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 0 27:28 B Q B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 0 27:28 B J B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 0 27:34 B C B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 0 27:40 B J B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 1 28:22 B S B gives S signal? This looks similar to diamond signal
Israel 19 1 28:22 B Q B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 19 1 28:22 B J B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 19 2 28:57 B C B asks in clubs.
Israel 19 2 28:57 Z K Z shows K. Has KH and KC. Z responded in clubs.
Israel 21 1 45:27 B C B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 45:28 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A
Israel 21 1 45:34 B C B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 45:35 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A. Repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 21 1 45:45 B C B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 45:45 B H B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 45:45 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has stiff A. Second repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 21 1 46:09 B H B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 21 1 46:09 B A B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 21 1 46:20 B C B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 21 1 46:20 B T B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 21 1 46:40 B D B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 21 1 46:40 B J B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 23 1 1:00:14 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 1:00:20 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 1:00:23 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 1:00:23 Z D Unclear. B is shows what most people think are 4 fingers. Is this in relation to a Z diamond ask a few seconds earlier? B has 4 diamonds.
Israel 23 1 1:00:36 B H B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Israel 23 1 1:00:36 B J B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Israel 23 1 1:00:52 B C B shows clubs, then scratches with fingers. This finger scratch is used by both players, normally with nothing in suit. But B has J92C.
Israel 23 1 1:00:57 B D B shows diamonds then shows 2? Fingers. B has KJ106D. False positive?
Israel 24 1 1:22:27 B S B asks in S. Z shows K. Z has SK7654.
Israel 24 1 1:22:38 B D B shows a suit then five fingers.B has 3 hearts left but 5 diamonds. Recorded as a D suit but unclear what the signal is for diamonds
Israel 24 1 1:22:38 B A B shows A then five fingers.B has A10943D. No known suit signal.
Israel 25 1 1:28:08 Z H Z asks in H. Unclear what signal is. B responds almost immediately with his H holding. Z wants to know B's hearts
Israel 25 1 1:28:12 B T B shows T. Has 10H. Is this in response to a Z ask? Z interested in H.
Israel 25 1 1:28:28 Z A Z shows A. Because of camera angle, can't tell suit signals. Z has an AQ543. Could not tell if Q signal because of camera angle.
Israel 27 1 1:38:42 B S B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Israel 27 1 1:38:44 Z A B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Israel 27 1 1:39:34 B K B shows K. Has KD. Can't see any suit signals
Israel 27 1 1:40:59 B D B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Israel 27 1 1:40:59 B K B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Israel 28 1 1:47:07 B A B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 1:47:07 B J B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 1:47:07 B T B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 1:47:15 B A B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 1 1:47:15 B J B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 1 1:47:15 B T B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 1 1:47:29 B C B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Israel 28 1 1:47:29 B Q B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Israel 28 1 1:48:57 B C B asks in clubs.
Israel 28 1 1:48:57 Z A Z shows A. Z has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal?
Israel 28 2 1:49:53 B T B shows 10. 4 fingers. B has K1064 of H. Suit signal? Does not show K.
Israel 28 4 1:53:35 Z K Z shows A or K. Has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal.
Israel 28 4 1:53:35 B C B shows C then 10.
Israel 28 4 1:53:37 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 1:54:04 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 1:54:38 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 1:54:50 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 29 1 2:02:14 Z A Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Israel 29 1 2:02:17 Z A Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Israel 32 0 2:12:56 Z Q Z shows a Q. Z has Q9 of spades. Spades were led. Couple of seconds after signal, Z plays Q. No obvious signal to indicate which suit. This is Z's only Q.

Balicki - Ace (Chin)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 24 1 5458 1:31:01 B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Denmark 29 1 7595 2:06:38 B leads KH. Has AD in hand. View obscured by forearm for any suit signals.
Denmark 29 2 7670 2:07:53 B still has AD in hand.
Denmark 29 4 7720 2:08:43 B still has AD in hand.
Israel 17 0 611 10:14 B rearranges dummy then shows A. B has Axx of diamonds. Not clear what diamond signal is. Could it be last suit touched?
Israel 21 1 2766 46:09 B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 24 1 4955 1:22:38 B shows A then five fingers.B has A10943D. No known suit signal.
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Netherlands 1 1 567 09:30 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:42 B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 7 2 4131 1:08:54 B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4137 1:09:00 Repeat of above.
Netherlands 7 2 4146 1:09:09 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 8 1 4419 1:13:42 5 fingers. A. 5 fingers. B led 3S from A9532 against 3NT.
Netherlands 8 4 4507 1:15:10 B has AD.

Balicki - King (Top of Head)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 23 2 4746 1:19:09 Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 23 2 4889 1:21:32 Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 24 1 5447 1:30:50 B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 25 1 5904 1:38:27 B shows K. Quick scratch. Has no K. False positive.
Israel 27 1 5971 1:39:34 B shows K. Has KD. Can't see any suit signals
Israel 27 1 6056 1:40:59 B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Netherlands 13 2 7008 1:56:51 B appears to show K. No chance to see RHO cards.
Netherlands 6 1 3401 56:44 May not be signal.

Balicki - Queen (Chest)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 2 3150 52:33 Q signal. B has QD. Possible that B tapped table with left hand before Q signal. View obscured by B's forearm.
Denmark 20 4 3241 54:04 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 24 1 5457 1:31:00 B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Israel 19 0 1645 27:28 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 28 1 6446 1:47:29 B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Netherlands 12 0 6527 1:48:50 B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 15 1 7668 2:07:51 B shows Q. B has Q73H
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 B possible scratching chest. B has QS and QH.
Netherlands 7 2 4121 1:08:44 B shows Q. Touches H suit in dummy. Points to RHO. His RHO has Q10H.
Netherlands 7 2 4127 1:08:50 Q signal
Netherlands 7 2 4132 1:08:55 B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4139 1:09:02 Repeat of above. Lots of finger signals.
Netherlands 7 2 4146 1:09:09 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 9 1 4791 1:19:54 B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 4792 1:19:55 B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 4909 1:21:52 Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?

Balicki - Jack (Crotch)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 23 2 4839 1:20:42 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 25 0 5872 1:37:55 B shows J. B has SJ3 HJ109542. Suit signal? Numbers of cards in suit?
Israel 19 0 1645 27:28 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 0 1657 27:40 B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 21 1 2797 46:40 B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 23 1 3633 1:00:36 B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Netherlands 1 1 569 09:32 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 1 1 576 09:39 B taps table twice with left hand (clubs).4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:23 B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:23 B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:42 B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 12 0 6527 1:48:50 B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 14 5 7357 2:02:40 B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 6 1 3639 1:00:42 B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 9 1 4791 1:19:54 B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 4792 1:19:55 B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 4909 1:21:52 Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?

Balicki - Ten (Cheek)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 17 1 1646 27:29 Quick scratch. Real signal? RHO led K from K10. Has 10.
Denmark 18 5 2853 47:36 T signal by Bl. Z not looking. Z is declarer.
Denmark 20 4 3241 54:04 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 23 2 4840 1:20:43 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 27 1 6630 1:50:33 B shows T.
Denmark 27 1 6645 1:50:48 B shows T.
Israel 21 1 2777 46:20 B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 25 1 5289 1:28:12 B shows T. Has 10H. Is this in response to a Z ask? Z interested in H.
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 2 6590 1:49:53 B shows 10. 4 fingers. B has K1064 of H. Suit signal? Does not show K.
Israel 28 4 6814 1:53:37 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6841 1:54:04 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6875 1:54:38 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6887 1:54:50 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Netherlands 1 1 577 09:40 B taps table twice with left hand.4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.

Balicki - Clubs

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 21 0 4082 1:08:05 B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 23 1 4690 1:18:13 B signals clubs. Then makes very quick gesture with hand and thumb. Unknown meaning.
Denmark 30 0 7981 2:13:04 B signals clubs
Denmark 31 1 8344 2:19:07 B signals clubs. Z shows nothing, barely moving his right hand possibly indicating no clubs.Z has C83.
Israel 19 0 1651 27:34 B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 2 1734 28:57 B asks in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2724 45:27 B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 2731 45:34 B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2777 46:20 B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 23 1 3649 1:00:52 B shows clubs, then scratches with fingers. This finger scratch is used by both players, normally with nothing in suit. But B has J92C.
Israel 28 1 6446 1:47:29 B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Israel 28 1 6534 1:48:57 B asks in clubs.
Israel 28 4 6812 1:53:35 B shows C then 10.
Netherlands 1 1 574 09:37 Trick 1. B led H. B signals clubs. Shows JT, 4 fingers. B has J1052 clubs.
Netherlands 15 1 7573 2:06:16 B signals clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4129 1:08:52 B signals clubs
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs

Balicki - Diamonds

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 4 3237 54:00 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:18 Is this a D signal? B raises LH with fist close to table edge.
Denmark 27 1 6591 1:49:54 Tap of B LH fist close to table edge.
Denmark 31 1 8350 2:19:13 B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Israel 21 1 2797 46:40 B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 23 1 3654 1:00:57 B shows diamonds then shows 2? Fingers. B has KJ106D. False positive?
Israel 24 1 4955 1:22:38 B shows a suit then five fingers.B has 3 hearts left but 5 diamonds. Recorded as a D suit but unclear what the signal is for diamonds
Israel 27 1 6056 1:40:59 B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Netherlands 6 1 3639 1:00:42 B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 7 2 4141 1:09:04 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 2 4158 1:09:21 B signals diamonds
Netherlands 8 4 4510 1:15:13 D signal

Balicki - Hearts

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 24 1 5447 1:30:50 B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 24 2 5472 1:31:15 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5473 1:31:16 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5481 1:31:24 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5535 1:32:18 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 27 1 6569 1:49:32 H signal
Denmark 29 1 7613 2:06:56 H signal
Denmark 30 0 7985 2:13:08 H signal
Denmark 30 1 8003 2:13:26 H signal
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2766 46:09 B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 23 1 3633 1:00:36 B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Netherlands 1 1 589 09:52 H signal. Video jumpy. Can't tell anything.
Netherlands 15 1 7597 2:06:40 H signal
Netherlands 15 1 7666 2:07:49 H signal
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 7 2 4123 1:08:46 H signal
Netherlands 9 1 4800 1:20:03 H signal

Balicki - Spades

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 23 1 4702 1:18:25 B shows spades.
Denmark 23 2 4837 1:20:40 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 31 1 8337 2:19:00 B asks spades. B LH forward and taps.
Israel 19 0 1642 27:25 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B gives S signal? This looks similar to diamond signal
Israel 24 1 4944 1:22:27 B asks in S. Z shows K. Z has SK7654.
Israel 27 1 5919 1:38:42 B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Netherlands 1 1 567 09:30 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 B asks in spades. LH forward, taps. Z replies almost immediately
Netherlands 14 5 7357 2:02:40 B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 9 0 4789 1:19:52 B asks in spades. Z show K. B then shows QJ.

Zmudzinski - Ace (Chin)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 21 0 4082 1:08:05 B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 23 1 4702 1:18:25 Z shows A. Has A87 of spades.Responding to B ask in spades.
Denmark 25 1 5890 1:38:13 Z shows A. Z has HA863. Suit signal? Length?
Denmark 28 2 -3 0:0 Z is dummy.
Israel 25 1 5305 1:28:28 Z shows A. Because of camera angle, can't tell suit signals. Z has an AQ543. Could not tell if Q signal because of camera angle.
Israel 27 1 5921 1:38:44 B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Israel 28 1 6534 1:48:57 Z shows A. Z has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal?
Israel 29 1 7331 2:02:14 Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Israel 29 1 7334 2:02:17 Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Netherlands 12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
Netherlands 15 1 7601 2:06:44 Z shows A. Has AJ52H.

Zmudzinski - King (Nose)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 25 1 5868 1:37:51 Z leads AD. Z shows K. Z has AK1086.
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 6594 1:49:57 Z shows K. Z has KD.
Denmark 30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 31 1 8350 2:19:13 B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Israel 19 2 1734 28:57 Z shows K. Has KH and KC. Z responded in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2725 45:28 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A
Israel 21 1 2732 45:35 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A. Repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has stiff A. Second repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 28 4 6812 1:53:35 Z shows A or K. Has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal.
Netherlands 14 5 7334 2:02:17 Z shows K. Has KC.
Netherlands 9 0 4791 1:19:54 B asks S? Z has K4 of spades.

Zmudzinski - Queen (Chest)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Israel 32 0 7973 2:12:56 Z shows a Q. Z has Q9 of spades. Spades were led. Couple of seconds after signal, Z plays Q. No obvious signal to indicate which suit. This is Z's only Q.
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades

Zmudzinski - Jack (Crotch)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 4 3245 54:08 Z shows J. Has J92 of diamonds. Three seconds earlier B has shown DQT; Z appears to be responding with holding in diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 30 1 8007 2:13:30 Unclear.
Denmark 31 1 8337 2:19:00 Z shows J. Z led from 2S from J432.

Zmudzinski - Ten (Cheek)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Netherlands 12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.

Zmudzinski - Clubs

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes

Zmudzinski - Diamonds

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Israel 23 1 3611 1:00:14 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 3617 1:00:20 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 3620 1:00:23 Unclear. B is shows what most people think are 4 fingers. Is this in relation to a Z diamond ask a few seconds earlier? B has 4 diamonds.
Israel 23 1 3620 1:00:23 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.

Zmudzinski - Hearts

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Israel 25 1 5285 1:28:08 Z asks in H. Unclear what signal is. B responds almost immediately with his H holding. Z wants to know B's hearts

Zmudzinski - Spades

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes

Both - Ace (Chin)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 21 0 4082 1:08:05 B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 23 1 4702 1:18:25 Z shows A. Has A87 of spades.Responding to B ask in spades.
Denmark 24 1 5458 1:31:01 B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Denmark 25 1 5890 1:38:13 Z shows A. Z has HA863. Suit signal? Length?
Denmark 28 2 -3 0:0 Z is dummy.
Denmark 29 1 7595 2:06:38 B leads KH. Has AD in hand. View obscured by forearm for any suit signals.
Denmark 29 2 7670 2:07:53 B still has AD in hand.
Denmark 29 4 7720 2:08:43 B still has AD in hand.
Israel 17 0 611 10:14 B rearranges dummy then shows A. B has Axx of diamonds. Not clear what diamond signal is. Could it be last suit touched?
Israel 21 1 2766 46:09 B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 24 1 4955 1:22:38 B shows A then five fingers.B has A10943D. No known suit signal.
Israel 25 1 5305 1:28:28 Z shows A. Because of camera angle, can't tell suit signals. Z has an AQ543. Could not tell if Q signal because of camera angle.
Israel 27 1 5921 1:38:44 B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 1 6534 1:48:57 Z shows A. Z has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal?
Israel 29 1 7331 2:02:14 Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Israel 29 1 7334 2:02:17 Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
Netherlands 1 1 567 09:30 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:42 B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
Netherlands 15 1 7601 2:06:44 Z shows A. Has AJ52H.
Netherlands 7 2 4131 1:08:54 B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4137 1:09:00 Repeat of above.
Netherlands 7 2 4146 1:09:09 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 8 1 4419 1:13:42 5 fingers. A. 5 fingers. B led 3S from A9532 against 3NT.
Netherlands 8 4 4507 1:15:10 B has AD.

Both - King (Nose)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 23 2 4746 1:19:09 Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 23 2 4889 1:21:32 Not sure if this is a signal.
Denmark 24 1 5447 1:30:50 B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 25 1 5868 1:37:51 Z leads AD. Z shows K. Z has AK1086.
Denmark 25 1 5904 1:38:27 B shows K. Quick scratch. Has no K. False positive.
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 6594 1:49:57 Z shows K. Z has KD.
Denmark 30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 31 1 8350 2:19:13 B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Israel 19 2 1734 28:57 Z shows K. Has KH and KC. Z responded in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2725 45:28 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A
Israel 21 1 2732 45:35 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A. Repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has stiff A. Second repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
Israel 27 1 5971 1:39:34 B shows K. Has KD. Can't see any suit signals
Israel 27 1 6056 1:40:59 B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Israel 28 4 6812 1:53:35 Z shows A or K. Has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal.
Netherlands 13 2 7008 1:56:51 B appears to show K. No chance to see RHO cards.
Netherlands 14 5 7334 2:02:17 Z shows K. Has KC.
Netherlands 6 1 3401 56:44 May not be signal.
Netherlands 9 0 4791 1:19:54 B asks S? Z has K4 of spades.

Both - Queen (Chest)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 2 3150 52:33 Q signal. B has QD. Possible that B tapped table with left hand before Q signal. View obscured by B's forearm.
Denmark 20 4 3241 54:04 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 24 1 5457 1:31:00 B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
Israel 19 0 1645 27:28 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 28 1 6446 1:47:29 B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Israel 32 0 7973 2:12:56 Z shows a Q. Z has Q9 of spades. Spades were led. Couple of seconds after signal, Z plays Q. No obvious signal to indicate which suit. This is Z's only Q.
Netherlands 12 0 6527 1:48:50 B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
Netherlands 15 1 7668 2:07:51 B shows Q. B has Q73H
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 B possible scratching chest. B has QS and QH.
Netherlands 7 2 4121 1:08:44 B shows Q. Touches H suit in dummy. Points to RHO. His RHO has Q10H.
Netherlands 7 2 4127 1:08:50 Q signal
Netherlands 7 2 4132 1:08:55 B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4139 1:09:02 Repeat of above. Lots of finger signals.
Netherlands 7 2 4146 1:09:09 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
Netherlands 9 1 4791 1:19:54 B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 4792 1:19:55 B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 4909 1:21:52 Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?

Both - Jack (Crotch)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 4 3245 54:08 Z shows J. Has J92 of diamonds. Three seconds earlier B has shown DQT; Z appears to be responding with holding in diamonds.
Denmark 23 2 4839 1:20:42 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 25 0 5872 1:37:55 B shows J. B has SJ3 HJ109542. Suit signal? Numbers of cards in suit?
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
Denmark 30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
Denmark 30 1 8007 2:13:30 Unclear.
Denmark 31 1 8337 2:19:00 Z shows J. Z led from 2S from J432.
Israel 19 0 1645 27:28 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 0 1657 27:40 B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B has QJ95 remaining in spades
Israel 21 1 2797 46:40 B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 23 1 3633 1:00:36 B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Netherlands 1 1 569 09:32 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 1 1 576 09:39 B taps table twice with left hand (clubs).4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:23 B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:23 B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
Netherlands 10 2 5300 1:28:42 B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
Netherlands 12 0 6527 1:48:50 B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
Netherlands 14 5 7357 2:02:40 B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 6 1 3639 1:00:42 B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 9 1 4791 1:19:54 B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
Netherlands 9 1 4792 1:19:55 B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
Netherlands 9 1 4909 1:21:52 Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?

Both - Ten (Cheek)

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 17 1 1646 27:29 Quick scratch. Real signal? RHO led K from K10. Has 10.
Denmark 18 5 2853 47:36 T signal by Bl. Z not looking. Z is declarer.
Denmark 20 4 3241 54:04 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 23 2 4840 1:20:43 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 27 1 6630 1:50:33 B shows T.
Denmark 27 1 6645 1:50:48 B shows T.
Israel 21 1 2777 46:20 B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 25 1 5289 1:28:12 B shows T. Has 10H. Is this in response to a Z ask? Z interested in H.
Israel 28 1 6424 1:47:07 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
Israel 28 1 6432 1:47:15 B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
Israel 28 2 6590 1:49:53 B shows 10. 4 fingers. B has K1064 of H. Suit signal? Does not show K.
Israel 28 4 6814 1:53:37 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6841 1:54:04 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6875 1:54:38 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Israel 28 4 6887 1:54:50 B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
Netherlands 1 1 577 09:40 B taps table twice with left hand.4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
Netherlands 12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.

Both - Clubs

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 21 0 4082 1:08:05 B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
Denmark 23 1 4690 1:18:13 B signals clubs. Then makes very quick gesture with hand and thumb. Unknown meaning.
Denmark 30 0 7981 2:13:04 B signals clubs
Denmark 31 1 8344 2:19:07 B signals clubs. Z shows nothing, barely moving his right hand possibly indicating no clubs.Z has C83.
Israel 19 0 1651 27:34 B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
Israel 19 2 1734 28:57 B asks in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2724 45:27 B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 2731 45:34 B shows C sign
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2777 46:20 B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
Israel 23 1 3649 1:00:52 B shows clubs, then scratches with fingers. This finger scratch is used by both players, normally with nothing in suit. But B has J92C.
Israel 28 1 6446 1:47:29 B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
Israel 28 1 6534 1:48:57 B asks in clubs.
Israel 28 4 6812 1:53:35 B shows C then 10.
Netherlands 1 1 574 09:37 Trick 1. B led H. B signals clubs. Shows JT, 4 fingers. B has J1052 clubs.
Netherlands 15 1 7573 2:06:16 B signals clubs
Netherlands 7 2 4129 1:08:52 B signals clubs
Netherlands 7 3 4172 1:09:35 B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs

Both - Diamonds

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 20 4 3237 54:00 B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
Denmark 27 1 6556 1:49:18 Is this a D signal? B raises LH with fist close to table edge.
Denmark 27 1 6591 1:49:54 Tap of B LH fist close to table edge.
Denmark 31 1 8350 2:19:13 B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
Israel 21 1 2797 46:40 B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
Israel 23 1 3611 1:00:14 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 3617 1:00:20 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 3620 1:00:23 Unclear. B is shows what most people think are 4 fingers. Is this in relation to a Z diamond ask a few seconds earlier? B has 4 diamonds.
Israel 23 1 3620 1:00:23 Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
Israel 23 1 3654 1:00:57 B shows diamonds then shows 2? Fingers. B has KJ106D. False positive?
Israel 24 1 4955 1:22:38 B shows a suit then five fingers.B has 3 hearts left but 5 diamonds. Recorded as a D suit but unclear what the signal is for diamonds
Israel 27 1 6056 1:40:59 B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
Netherlands 6 1 3639 1:00:42 B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
Netherlands 7 2 4141 1:09:04 B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
Netherlands 7 2 4158 1:09:21 B signals diamonds
Netherlands 8 4 4510 1:15:13 D signal

Both - Hearts

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 24 1 5447 1:30:50 B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
Denmark 24 2 5472 1:31:15 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5473 1:31:16 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5481 1:31:24 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 24 2 5535 1:32:18 B shows H. Has KQ43.
Denmark 27 1 6569 1:49:32 H signal
Denmark 29 1 7613 2:06:56 H signal
Denmark 30 0 7985 2:13:08 H signal
Denmark 30 1 8003 2:13:26 H signal
Israel 21 1 2742 45:45 B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
Israel 21 1 2766 46:09 B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
Israel 23 1 3633 1:00:36 B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
Israel 25 1 5285 1:28:08 Z asks in H. Unclear what signal is. B responds almost immediately with his H holding. Z wants to know B's hearts
Netherlands 1 1 589 09:52 H signal. Video jumpy. Can't tell anything.
Netherlands 15 1 7597 2:06:40 H signal
Netherlands 15 1 7666 2:07:49 H signal
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 7 2 4123 1:08:46 H signal
Netherlands 9 1 4800 1:20:03 H signal

Both - Spades

Country Board Trick Link Time Notes
Denmark 23 1 4702 1:18:25 B shows spades.
Denmark 23 2 4837 1:20:40 Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
Denmark 31 1 8337 2:19:00 B asks spades. B LH forward and taps.
Israel 19 0 1642 27:25 B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
Israel 19 1 1699 28:22 B gives S signal? This looks similar to diamond signal
Israel 24 1 4944 1:22:27 B asks in S. Z shows K. Z has SK7654.
Israel 27 1 5919 1:38:42 B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
Netherlands 1 1 567 09:30 B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
Netherlands 14 5 7206 2:00:09 B asks in spades. LH forward, taps. Z replies almost immediately
Netherlands 14 5 7357 2:02:40 B shows S,J. Has JS.
Netherlands 16 2 8050 2:14:13 Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
Netherlands 9 0 4789 1:19:52 B asks in spades. Z show K. B then shows QJ.


Board Trick Link Time Who What Notes
17 1 1646 27:29 B T Quick scratch. Real signal? RHO led K from K10. Has 10.
18 5 2853 47:36 B T T signal by Bl. Z not looking. Z is declarer.
20 2 3150 52:33 B Q Q signal. B has QD. Possible that B tapped table with left hand before Q signal. View obscured by B's forearm.
20 4 3237 54:00 B D B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
20 4 3241 54:04 B Q B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
20 4 3241 54:04 B T B shows DQT. He has Q1063 of diamonds.
20 4 3245 54:08 Z J Z shows J. Has J92 of diamonds. Three seconds earlier B has shown DQT; Z appears to be responding with holding in diamonds.
21 0 4082 1:08:05 B C B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
21 0 4082 1:08:05 Z A B taps with RH (clubs). Z responds almost immediately with A signal. Z has A97543C
23 1 4690 1:18:13 B C B signals clubs. Then makes very quick gesture with hand and thumb. Unknown meaning.
23 1 4702 1:18:25 B S B shows spades.
23 1 4702 1:18:25 Z A Z shows A. Has A87 of spades.Responding to B ask in spades.
23 2 4746 1:19:09 B K Not sure if this is a signal.
23 2 4837 1:20:40 B S Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
23 2 4839 1:20:42 B J Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
23 2 4840 1:20:43 B T Trick 2. Shows S, J, T. Has J104 of spades.
23 2 4889 1:21:32 B K Not sure if this is a signal.
24 1 5447 1:30:50 B H B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
24 1 5447 1:30:50 B K B shows H, then K. B has KQxxH. Can't tell from camera if B also shows Q signal.
24 1 5457 1:31:00 B Q B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
24 1 5458 1:31:01 B A B shows QA. Has KQ43 of hearts. No other A, K, Q. Possibly wrong signal for A. Possibly misreading this signal.
24 2 5472 1:31:15 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
24 2 5473 1:31:16 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
24 2 5481 1:31:24 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
24 2 5535 1:32:18 B H B shows H. Has KQ43.
25 1 5868 1:37:51 Z K Z leads AD. Z shows K. Z has AK1086.
25 0 5872 1:37:55 B J B shows J. B has SJ3 HJ109542. Suit signal? Numbers of cards in suit?
25 1 5890 1:38:13 Z A Z shows A. Z has HA863. Suit signal? Length?
25 1 5904 1:38:27 B K B shows K. Quick scratch. Has no K. False positive.
27 1 6556 1:49:18 B D Is this a D signal? B raises LH with fist close to table edge.
27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z K Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
27 1 6556 1:49:19 Z J Z shows KJ. Z has KJ842 diamonds.
27 1 6569 1:49:32 B H H signal
27 1 6591 1:49:54 B D Tap of B LH fist close to table edge.
27 1 6594 1:49:57 Z K Z shows K. Z has KD.
27 1 6630 1:50:33 B T B shows T.
27 1 6645 1:50:48 B T B shows T.
28 2 -3 0:0 Z A Z is dummy.
29 1 7595 2:06:38 B A B leads KH. Has AD in hand. View obscured by forearm for any suit signals.
29 1 7613 2:06:56 B H H signal
29 2 7670 2:07:53 B A B still has AD in hand.
29 4 7720 2:08:43 B A B still has AD in hand.
30 0 7981 2:13:04 B C B signals clubs
30 0 7985 2:13:08 B H H signal
30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z K Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
30 0 7987 2:13:10 Z J Z shows K then J. His LHO has no K. His RHO has KJ72 remaining in diamonds
30 1 8003 2:13:26 B H H signal
30 1 8007 2:13:30 Z J Unclear.
31 1 8337 2:19:00 B S B asks spades. B LH forward and taps.
31 1 8337 2:19:00 Z J Z shows J. Z led from 2S from J432.
31 1 8344 2:19:07 B C B signals clubs. Z shows nothing, barely moving his right hand possibly indicating no clubs.Z has C83.
31 1 8350 2:19:13 B D B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.
31 1 8350 2:19:13 Z K B signals diamonds. Z shows K. Z has DK853.


Board Trick Link Time Who What Notes
17 0 611 10:14 B A B rearranges dummy then shows A. B has Axx of diamonds. Not clear what diamond signal is. Could it be last suit touched?
19 0 1642 27:25 B S B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
19 0 1645 27:28 B Q B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
19 0 1645 27:28 B J B shows 4/5 fingers in LH. RH shows SQJ. B has QJ1095 in spades (suit led). Does not show 10.
19 0 1651 27:34 B C B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
19 0 1657 27:40 B J B shows clubs, points with middle finger of right hand (3 cards?) then shows J. B has J96 of clubs
19 1 1699 28:22 B S B gives S signal? This looks similar to diamond signal
19 1 1699 28:22 B Q B has QJ95 remaining in spades
19 1 1699 28:22 B J B has QJ95 remaining in spades
19 2 1734 28:57 B C B asks in clubs.
19 2 1734 28:57 Z K Z shows K. Has KH and KC. Z responded in clubs.
21 1 2724 45:27 B C B shows C sign
21 1 2725 45:28 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A
21 1 2731 45:34 B C B shows C sign
21 1 2732 45:35 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has A. Repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
21 1 2742 45:45 B C B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
21 1 2742 45:45 B H B taps table with RH. Fist. Third request in 20 seconds. Is this another club signal? Or a heart signal? Z responds in clubs.
21 1 2742 45:45 Z K Responding to club ask, Z shows A (hard to tell if A or K signal). Z has stiff A. Second repeat of signal from 10 seconds earlier.
21 1 2766 46:09 B H B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
21 1 2766 46:09 B A B shows H, then A, and some number of fingers. B has AJ92H
21 1 2777 46:20 B C B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
21 1 2777 46:20 B T B shows C, then 10, and some number of fingers. B has 10654C
21 1 2797 46:40 B D B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
21 1 2797 46:40 B J B shows J and 4 fingers. Only non-trump suit is D. B has J754D. Possible D signal is right fist close to table.
23 1 3611 1:00:14 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
23 1 3617 1:00:20 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
23 1 3620 1:00:23 Z D Z taps table with LH. Recording as D signal, but might be any suit as little data so far on Z signals.
23 1 3620 1:00:23 Z D Unclear. B is shows what most people think are 4 fingers. Is this in relation to a Z diamond ask a few seconds earlier? B has 4 diamonds.
23 1 3633 1:00:36 B H B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
23 1 3633 1:00:36 B J B shows hearts then J. B led 9H from J97. Has Jx remaining.
23 1 3649 1:00:52 B C B shows clubs, then scratches with fingers. This finger scratch is used by both players, normally with nothing in suit. But B has J92C.
23 1 3654 1:00:57 B D B shows diamonds then shows 2? Fingers. B has KJ106D. False positive?
24 1 4944 1:22:27 B S B asks in S. Z shows K. Z has SK7654.
24 1 4955 1:22:38 B D B shows a suit then five fingers.B has 3 hearts left but 5 diamonds. Recorded as a D suit but unclear what the signal is for diamonds
24 1 4955 1:22:38 B A B shows A then five fingers.B has A10943D. No known suit signal.
25 1 5285 1:28:08 Z H Z asks in H. Unclear what signal is. B responds almost immediately with his H holding. Z wants to know B's hearts
25 1 5289 1:28:12 B T B shows T. Has 10H. Is this in response to a Z ask? Z interested in H.
25 1 5305 1:28:28 Z A Z shows A. Because of camera angle, can't tell suit signals. Z has an AQ543. Could not tell if Q signal because of camera angle.
27 1 5919 1:38:42 B S B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
27 1 5921 1:38:44 Z A B asks in spades. Z shows A. Z has ACBLscore
27 1 5971 1:39:34 B K B shows K. Has KD. Can't see any suit signals
27 1 6056 1:40:59 B D B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
27 1 6056 1:40:59 B K B shows D,K, 4 fingers. Has K752D.
28 1 6424 1:47:07 B A B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
28 1 6424 1:47:07 B J B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
28 1 6424 1:47:07 B T B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades Does not appear to show spade signal. Difficult to tell if Z asked.
28 1 6432 1:47:15 B A B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
28 1 6432 1:47:15 B J B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
28 1 6432 1:47:15 B T B leads JD against 2CX. Has bid S. Shows AJT. Has AJT97 of spades
28 1 6446 1:47:29 B C B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
28 1 6446 1:47:29 B Q B points with finger 1 on LH. Shows Q. B has Q7 of clubs.
28 1 6534 1:48:57 B C B asks in clubs.
28 1 6534 1:48:57 Z A Z shows A. Z has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal?
28 2 6590 1:49:53 B T B shows 10. 4 fingers. B has K1064 of H. Suit signal? Does not show K.
28 4 6812 1:53:35 Z K Z shows A or K. Has A1032 of clubs. Suit signal.
28 4 6812 1:53:35 B C B shows C then 10.
28 4 6814 1:53:37 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
28 4 6841 1:54:04 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
28 4 6875 1:54:38 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
28 4 6887 1:54:50 B T B shows T. Has 10S and 10H. Suit signal?
29 1 7331 2:02:14 Z A Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
29 1 7334 2:02:17 Z A Z shows A. Has SAQ3, HA952. Z shows two aces in short succession. Both are preceded by actions with left hand. Presumably these are Z signals for S and H. The latter signal is obscured by camera.
32 0 7973 2:12:56 Z Q Z shows a Q. Z has Q9 of spades. Spades were led. Couple of seconds after signal, Z plays Q. No obvious signal to indicate which suit. This is Z's only Q.


Board Trick Link Time Who What Notes
1 1 567 09:30 B S B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
1 1 567 09:30 B A B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
1 1 569 09:32 B J B leads H. Signals SAJ. Has AJ6 of spades.
1 1 574 09:37 B C Trick 1. B led H. B signals clubs. Shows JT, 4 fingers. B has J1052 clubs.
1 1 576 09:39 B J B taps table twice with left hand (clubs).4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
1 1 577 09:40 B T B taps table twice with left hand.4 fingers. Shows J, T. Then 4 fingers. B has J1052 of clubs.
1 1 589 09:52 B H H signal. Video jumpy. Can't tell anything.
6 1 3401 56:44 B K May not be signal.
6 1 3639 1:00:42 B D B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
6 1 3639 1:00:42 B J B taps table with left hand twice (Diamonds). Shows J. His RHO has Kx remaining in diamonds.
7 2 4121 1:08:44 B Q B shows Q. Touches H suit in dummy. Points to RHO. His RHO has Q10H.
7 2 4123 1:08:46 B H H signal
7 2 4127 1:08:50 B Q Q signal
7 2 4129 1:08:52 B C B signals clubs
7 2 4131 1:08:54 B A B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
7 2 4132 1:08:55 B Q B is dummy. Taps table twice? Shows 5 fingers. AQ. RHO has AQ643 of clubs
7 2 4137 1:09:00 B A Repeat of above.
7 2 4139 1:09:02 B Q Repeat of above. Lots of finger signals.
7 2 4141 1:09:04 B D B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
7 2 4146 1:09:09 B A B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
7 2 4146 1:09:09 B Q B signals diamonds. Four fingers. AQ. His RHO has AQxx of diamonds
7 2 4158 1:09:21 B D B signals diamonds
7 3 4172 1:09:35 B C B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
7 3 4172 1:09:35 B A B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
7 3 4172 1:09:35 B Q B shows clubs, five fingers, AQ. His RHO has AQxxx of clubs
8 1 4419 1:13:42 B A 5 fingers. A. 5 fingers. B led 3S from A9532 against 3NT.
8 4 4507 1:15:10 B A B has AD.
8 4 4510 1:15:13 B D D signal
9 0 4789 1:19:52 B S B asks in spades. Z show K. B then shows QJ.
9 0 4791 1:19:54 Z K B asks S? Z has K4 of spades.
9 1 4791 1:19:54 B Q B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
9 1 4791 1:19:54 B J B shows QJ. B has QJ72 spades
9 1 4792 1:19:55 B Q B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
9 1 4792 1:19:55 B J B shows QJ. 4 fingers. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
9 1 4800 1:20:03 B H H signal
9 1 4909 1:21:52 B Q Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
9 1 4909 1:21:52 B J Still on trick 1. B shows QJ. 4 fingers on RH on table. B has QJ72 of spades. Suit signal?
10 2 5300 1:28:23 B J B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
10 2 5300 1:28:23 B J B shows J? His RHO does not have a J. False positive?
10 2 5300 1:28:42 B A B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
10 2 5300 1:28:42 B J B shows AJ 4 fingers. Points at RHO. His RHO has SA1073 HA52 DK84 C10 but no J.
12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z A Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
12 1 6525 1:48:48 Z T Z shows AT. Has A1083 of spades.
12 0 6527 1:48:50 B Q B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
12 0 6527 1:48:50 B J B shows QJ. Has QJ6 of spades
13 2 7008 1:56:51 B K B appears to show K. No chance to see RHO cards.
14 5 7206 2:00:09 B S B asks in spades. LH forward, taps. Z replies almost immediately
14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z A Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
14 5 7206 2:00:09 Z Q Z shows AQ. Z has AQ spades
14 5 7334 2:02:17 Z K Z shows K. Has KC.
14 5 7357 2:02:40 B S B shows S,J. Has JS.
14 5 7357 2:02:40 B J B shows S,J. Has JS.
15 1 7573 2:06:16 B C B signals clubs
15 1 7597 2:06:40 B H H signal
15 1 7601 2:06:44 Z A Z shows A. Has AJ52H.
15 1 7666 2:07:49 B H H signal
15 1 7668 2:07:51 B Q B shows Q. B has Q73H
16 2 8050 2:14:13 B H Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
16 2 8050 2:14:13 B S Either H or S signal. B shows Q. B has Q in both suits. Listing now so later can determine which is signal.
16 2 8050 2:14:13 B Q B possible scratching chest. B has QS and QH.

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